Sometimes you may need to “run” python code without installing
the Python program (we mean the virtual machine that interprets the code) locally.
One can, in these cases, to refer to web pages that offer the Possibilia of
but the limitations are many.
Let’s see some.
First website
In .
1. I choose code “python”
2. copy the code provided by us at “enter your source code or insert your template or template or sample”
3. write your options, then your criteria, and finally the judgments at “enter input (stdin)”;
request to colleague
professional order
response speed
4. performed with the command will run (bottom right)
5. if the code worked fine, you can iniserirlo in web pages, make a copy of your (a fork ) to be able to work.
& Nbsp;
Second website The second possibility is given by codeskulptor .
The limits are from packages that can be used (for example, not those listed below):
# Import unittest Import os # #import Matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Import numpy as np #import ML
Another limitation: files can be imported but not exported. This is not a big problem as long as you use it to play games, but may be for other applications.
The sample code is in this link.
The advantage is that you can interact with the script, without writing before the elections, as in .