Sometimes an image remains stoke in shutter main page.
Nothing especially bad, but it’s annoying to find always this image when we open the program.
his image is store in /home/user/.cache/shutter/unsaved/ directory.
In our case, with user ca, and filename Schermata del 2017-11-03 17-09-21.png so:
/home/ca/.cache/shutter/unsaved/Schermata del 2017-11-03 17-09-21.png"
With grep command we can find it easily:
ca@A:~$ grep -rn "2017-11-03" /home/*
Il file binario /home/ca/.thumbnails/normal/30880ae93b721c799ded07e62ccae5ee.png corrisponde
Il file binario /home/ca/.thumbnails/normal/290ddd5a1f8cdce0b01e523e1b79f8c1.png corrisponde
Il file binario /home/ca/.ipython/profile_default/history.sqlite corrisponde
/home/ca/.shutter/session.xml:6: <file00000004 filename="/home/ca/.cache/shutter/unsaved/Schermata del 2017-11-03 17-09-21.png" />
Remove it and it’ll not appear any more, presenting a clean start page.