The Hype Cycle graphic of Gartner

The Gartner company offers a peculiar way of analyzing new trends based on a cyclical nature in 5 phases.

Before a set of technologies to reach maturity (last of 5) passes for another 4, following in the original language and translated as dawikipedia in Italian:

  • 1 Technology Trigger (Trigger technology)
  • 2 Peak of Inflated Expectations (peak of exaggerated expectations)
  • 3 Trough of Disillusionment (Trough of disillusionment)
  • 4 Slope of Enlightenment (lighting Ascent)
  • 5 Plateau of Productivity (Plateau of productivity)<! – More ->So that, in the graph, the base curve remains always the same: first a peak at the top, then a spike in the bottom and finally a stabilization, while moving and colors of the shot position indicating the specific technologies that contribute to the desired result.  red curves of maturity of a technology

    The Gartner analysis has only a chart?

    Certamenteo no: see this page to figure it out.

    You sell the code G00261655 analysis of 4 August 2014, made by Frank Buytendijk, described as follows:

    Big data has just passed the top of the Hype Cycle, and moving toward the Trough of Disillusionment. This is not a bad thing. It means the market starts to mature, becoming more realistic about how big data can be useful for organizations — large and small. Big data will become business as usual.

    So a graph, but above all an analysis document pre buyable 1 $ 995.00 (this is USD), a voluminous document of 91 pages.

    Let’s try to clarify on the graph

    Let’s take a look available in network.


    You will notice that the position in the technology curve is not only given by bullets (for another of different colors), but also by a triangle and a stop.

    Well, the colors and symbols give us important additional information.

    They say for how long, according to analyst drafter of the study, the technology will be available.

    For example, if you find “natural language processing” with a blue dot, you’ll still have to wait at least two years (or at most 5) for an analysis of texts that is also useful in production!!


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