In a previous post we presented negotiating through examples.
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There seemed, however, miss one of the most standardized analysis tool, to compare more easily recurring patterns in different situations.
We found it in our own reworking of the Harvard Negotiation method.
In this model, among other things, there is a schematization of the possibility of a negotiation according to a graph that has the self-affirmation on the abscissa and on the ordinate the degree of collaboration.
What would happen, for example, if Alice is the office manager and you meet on how to set up a job with Bob, his subordinate.
The graph shows how, from an initial mediating position (zero-sum, we could say, where the positions are balanced simply by sharing the ideas accepted in equal numbers), Alice could make its hierarchical position and force her solution.
At this point, Bob would move in a yielding position:
- he can not retreat from trading for its work subordinate position, so it must work together
- nor resist to Alice, so it must have a low satisfaction of his objectives.
How to create a negotiation graph
The code that allows the creation of the description of the dynamics of a negotiation graphics, is available to GIT page Andrea Alessandrini.
Specifically the software page is this
The script is released with a second test scripts, which pressed the content verification, as follows:
let start the tests!
————————————————– ——————–
Ran 6 tests in 0.006sOK
[Finished in 0.4s]
& Nbsp;
There are also a few examples in the “dynamics” folder.
They are currently:
- the case of forcing and sale of ALice and Bob already submitted
- a negotiation from the film Rocky (1976) between the athlete and his coach
- a negotiation from Jerry Maguire (1995) film between the protagonist and 3 other people.
Of this you can see the video of the second part (in our opinion all things considered less interesting than the first)
Our graphic takes account of the whole negotiation process, and not just the final part shown in the film segment.