The Engineer Andrea Alessandrini and the Geologist German Lacasa, in collaboration with the Col·legi Oficial de Quimics de Catalunya , propose two meetings related with professional update and risk analysis.
The meetings will be in Spanish, and will be held at the association of worker with Bachelor’s Degree in Chemistry (Avinguda Portal de l’Angel, 24, 1r. 2a Barcelona).
The original titles are:
- Actualización profesional y responsabilidad of técnico medioambiental: obligaciones contundentes
- El análisis de riesgo: a fundamental herramienta en la recuperación de suelo como en la vida profesional
In the first meeting, whose title translates as “The professional update and the responsibility of the environmental technician: strong obligations”, and that will be held Monday, October 19, 2015, we will present the tools for the professional development, through an overview of the legislation and ability to upgrade (free or paid) with its weaknesses and strengths.
In the second, Monday, October 26, 2015, “Risk analysis: an essential tool both in the recovery of contaminated soils as professional life,” the presentation of the concept of risk as applicable to all fields of technical analysis (ISO 31000: 2009). And even an in-depth look over the risk software against the contaminated soils.
Chairmen of the meetings are doctors Xavier Albort and Enrique Morillas, president and vice president of the environment committee of the order of chemical (Seccio Tecnica de Medi Ambient).